program clevertyper; const max=600000; type passtext=array[1..6] of byte; {用数组存储每一个密码数字} tlist=record {结点类型} father:longint; dep:byte; point:1..6; state:passtext; end; var source,target:passtext; {初始结点和目标结点} list:array[0..max] of tlist; {扩展出的中间结点序列} head,foot,best,i:longint; answer:longint; found:boolean; str1:string[8]; point0:1..6; procedure init; {初始化过程} var i:byte; begin assign(input,''); reset(input); assign(output,'clever.out'); rewrite(output); readln(str1); for i:=1 to 6 do val(copy(str1,i,1),source[i]); val(copy(str1,8,1),point0); readln(str1); for i:=1 to 6 do val(copy(str1,i,1),target[i]); fillchar(list,sizeof(list),0); found:=false; head:=0; {队列初始化,队首指针head,队尾指针foot} foot:=1; with list[1] do {初始结点作为队列第一个结点} begin state:=source; dep:=0; father:=0; point:=point0; end; end; function same(a,b:passtext):boolean; var i:byte; begin same:=false; for i:=1 to 6 do if a[i]<>b[i] then exit; same:=true; end; function notappear(newv:tlist):boolean; {判断扩展出的结点是否已在队列中的函数} var i:longint; begin notappear:=false; for i:=1 to foot do if same(newv.state,list[i].state) and (newv.point=list[i].point) then exit; notappear:=true; end; procedure add(newv:tlist); {往队列中加入新结点过程} begin if notappear(newv) then begin inc(foot); list[foot]:=newv; end; end; procedure expand(index:longint;var n:tlist); {扩展结点过程} var i,x,y:integer; newv:tlist; begin for i:=1 to 6 do {分别应用6条规则} begin if i=1 then if n.point>1 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point; newv.state[1]:=n.state[n.point]; newv.state[n.point]:=n.state[1]; end; if i=2 then if n.point<6 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point; newv.state[6]:=n.state[n.point]; newv.state[n.point]:=n.state[6]; end; if i=3 then if n.state[n.point]<9 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point; newv.state[n.point]:=newv.state[n.point]+1; end; if i=4 then if n.state[n.point]>0 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point; newv.state[n.point]:=newv.state[n.point]-1; end; if i=5 then if n.point>1 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point-1; end; if i=6 then if n.point<6 then begin newv.state:=n.state; newv.point:=n.point+1; end; newv.father:=index; newv.dep:=n.dep+1; add(newv); end; end; procedure print(index:longint); {递归打印路径} var i,j:byte; begin if index=0 then exit; print(list[index].father); for i:=1 to 6 do write(list[index].state[i]); writeln(' ',list[index].point); end; begin{main} init; repeat inc(head); if same(list[head].state,target) {比较是否跟目标相同,相同则找到,否则扩展新结点} then begin found:=true; best:=list[head].dep; answer:=head; break; end; if list[foot].dep>6 {搜索树的深度超过6时,速度很慢,显示超时} then begin writeln('OverTime!'); break; end; expand(head,list[head]); until (head>=foot) or (foot>max) or found; if found then begin writeln(best); print(answer); end else writeln('No Answer'); close(input); close(output); end. //delphi/7189