__author__ = 'jiangyt' #encoding=utf-8 from pymongo import Connection from gridfs import * from PIL import Image from bson.objectid import ObjectId import StringIO import threading, time #文件处理系统 class GFS: #定义connection and fs c = None db = None fs = None instance = None locker = threading.Lock() @staticmethod def _connect(): if not GFS.c: GFS.c = Connection( "mongodb://admin:admin@") # 建立mongodb的连接 GFS.db = GFS.c['maidiansha'] #连接到指定的数据库中 GFS.fs = GridFS(GFS.db, collection='images') #连接到具体的collection中 #初始化 def __init__(self): print "__init__" GFS._connect() print "server info " + " * " * 40 print GFS.c.server_info #获得单列对象 @staticmethod def getInstance(): GFS.locker.acquire() try: GFS.instance if not GFS.instance: GFS.instance = GFS() return GFS.instance finally: GFS.locker.release() #写入 def put(self, name, format="png",mime="image"): gf = None data = None try: data = StringIO.StringIO() name = "%s.%s" % (name,format) image = Image.open(name) image.save(data,format) #print "name is %s=======data is %s" % (name, data.getvalue()) gf = GFS.fs.put(data.getvalue(), filename=name, format=format) except Exception as e: print "Exception ==>> %s " % e finally: GFS.c = None GFS._connect() return gf #获得图片 def get(self,id): gf = None try: gf = GFS.fs.get(ObjectId(id)) im = gf.read() #read the data in the GridFS dic = {} dic["chunk_size"] = gf.chunk_size dic["metadata"] = gf.metadata dic["length"] = gf.length dic["upload_date"] = gf.upload_date dic["name"] = gf.name dic["content_type"] = gf.content_type dic["format"] = gf.format return (im , dic) except Exception,e: print e return (None,None) finally: if gf: gf.close() #将gridFS中的图片文件写入硬盘 def write_2_disk(self, data, dic): name = "./get_%s" % dic['name'] if name: output = open(name, 'wb') output.write(data) output.close() print "fetch image ok!" #获得文件列表 def list(self): return GFS.fs.list() #删除文件 def remove(self,name): GFS.fs.remove(name) if __name__== '__main__': image_name= raw_input("input the image name>>") if image_name: gfs = GFS.getInstance() if gfs: image_id = gfs.put(image_name) print "==========Object id is %s and it's type is %s==========" % (image_id , type(image_id)) (data, dic) = gfs.get(ObjectId(image_id)) gfs.write_2_disk(data, dic) #//python/5817